Motion Design Reel


A collection of snippets from previous projects. All motion graphics animated by Jeremy Peterson of Afterlight Media, either as an independent contractor or an employee. Video content in this reel is copyright of its respective owners, shown here for demonstration purposes.


Tio Networks Promo


Promotional video for the bill payment platform Tio, which was later acquired by PayPal. 

Production and Motion Design: Afterlight Media / Jeremy Peterson


VISO Prism Explainer


A video showcasing the technology behind BBTV's ad placement process.

Scripting and Illustration: BBTV Marketing Team

Motion Design: Jeremy Peterson


Audi R8 Launch Event


Sizzle reel of highlights from the Audi R8 Launch Event at the Vancouver Island Motorsport Circuit.

Production: Zooropa Video Production Agency

Editing: Afterlight Media / Jeremy Peterson